Saturday, 21 January 2012

Mom Is Not a Four Letter Word

Do you remember in grade school when you were asked to list all of your roles?  You would have wrote things like daughter, friend, sister, student.  We were all too young to put mom on that list.  For many of us the only time we had given thought to being a mom was when we played with our baby dolls.  The reality of being a mom was probably the furthest thing from our minds.  Now, with three children, the role of mom almost completely encompasses my identity.  Reality is not the same as those days playing with dolls.  Reality is so much better.

Recently I heard of a study that claims that moms who work out of the house are “happier” than moms who stay at home.  Happier.  HAP-PI-ER.  What does it mean for a mom in one circumstance to be “happier” than another.  Scaling the emotions of people forgets that emotions are not just a result of circumstance.   They can also be a state of mind.  When Mom-Of-All-Trades and I started talking about creating this blog we knew we wanted it to be more than just our musings on motherhood.  We wanted to talk about our personal experiences with our families, share our different perspectives, and temper them with our professional experience (we’ve both enjoyed careers providing support to families in need of the tools to achieve their full potential) to provide our readers with an opportunity to relate, share, learn, and hopefully grow.  We know that whether you stay at home, work full-time, part-time, or casual, work in the home, have your children with you 24/7, or have them every second weekend and two months in the summer, your title, Mom, doesn’t change.  Your capacity for happiness doesn’t change.  And no matter how you spell it, Mom is not a four letter word.

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