Lately we are becoming more aware of how postpartum depression effects women and their families and I'd like to think that it is becoming less stigmaitized. Yet, I do not believe that we are to the point where we can discuss it comfortably and openly. It is important to recognize that postpartum depression and anxiety have different levels of severity and even classifications. Postpartum depression can range from a mother experiencing mild depressive symptoms, yet still being able to function - to a mother who's functiontioning is completely impared and is having thoughts of suicide or even thoughts of harming her child. The range of anxiety includes that which can be managed through various relaxation techniques, to anxiety that is severe enough to require medication to manage panic attacks. Anxiety and postpartum depression can require hospitalization if it becomes severe enough. That withstanding, my intention is not to go into the psychiatric details of anxiety and postpartum, but to send a loud message: postpardum depression and anxiety is something mothers need to be talking to each other about. We need to open up the discussion so we can support each other.
In saying that I would like to discuss some of the supports that may be available to you if you feel you might be experiencing postpartum and/or anxiety:
- Your partner or husband. Sometimes you may be frightened to tell your spouse about the thougths and feelings you are having, but chances are they have noticed and they are just not sure how to broach it with you. Hopefully you are in a relationship where you can share this with your partner safely.
- A key support person such as a best friend, your mother, a sister, basically anyone you trust and feel safe talking to.
- Your family doctor. This is a key player in your health and they will likely be asking you about postpartum after you have a child. They are also the person you need to go to if you are experiencing symptoms, they can help you determine how to address it.
- Your public health unit. In some areas there are programs for first time mothers or mothers who may be at increased risk for postpartum. Public health nurses are trained to look for symptoms of postpartum depression and have a great deal of helpful information and can refer you if they believe you are experiencing postpartum or anxiety.
- Your mental health office. The professionals here specialized in anxiety and postpartum and are one of the best resources outside your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms.
I really agree that postpartum should be talked about more openly. I really struggled with this after my twins were born and even more so after our first adoption. Many mom's believe it "will never happen to me!" and are ashamed that they can't handle things like all the other super mom's out there. A comment that was made to me by my Aunt was, "Those supper mom's you see out there are regular mom's that struggle just like we do, the difference is that they cover it up and don't talk about it and don't ask for help. They are usually very stressed but don't show it." After that, I asked for help and did what I could, when I could. Life isn't suppose to be perfect, it's suppose to be interesting! Thanks for sharing!